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Clips from the Shows

January 25, 2019
at VFW #3160 Norfolk, VA.
Oso, Jim Newsome, Connie Smith, Dave Rosado, Tammy Gardner

Playlist of Variety Show Clips

April 12, 2019
American Legion # 327 Norfolk, VA
Ted Drake, Tim Nolan, Nancy Schwagler, Cindy Kays, Laurel Wilson

Playlist of Variety Show Clips

November 29, 2019
VFW # 3160 Norfolk, VA
Ted, Hickey Necklace, Wesley Tighlman, Deb and Don, Connie Smith

Playlist of Variety Show Clips

October 26, 2018

TFAM Coffeehouse

Playlist of Variety Show Clips

To RSVP for the show, and / or to be a sponsor,
contact Ted Drake - email ovdawg@aol.com or call/text 757-287-3075

To see video//youtube about DBVS..go to www.dancingbearvarietyshow.com